Road to 5k – Working my way up to my first run
My road to 5k was not easy. Ever since I was in school, I would be the first person to call in sick in every school cross country run event. We would have a 1.5km run test every year and I would make my first run straight to the school’s sick bay. From asthma attack to meticulously planned migraine or stomach ache, I pretty much managed to skip all the running tests from form 1 to form 5. Fast forward to this day, I have been trying so hard to change that couch potato habit. Bought a full-fledged huge Nordic Track treadmill (I used it to hang my clothes). Joined…
Finding Beauty in the unexpected – Part 3
Read Part 1 | Part 2 Our last leg brought us to beautiful and bustling Istanbul, a city straddling two continents and teeming with history. Everything is so rich here, your senses just come alive with the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that each corner has to offer. I hope you enjoyed touring with me, til next time! – Faz
Finding Beauty in the unexpected – Part 2
Read Part 1 here In a kind of spur of the moment decision, Bak and I decided to book a new years holiday to Turkey, a place that has been on our bucket lists for the longest time. I was a bit skeptical at traveling in the middle of winter, but arriving there, everything was just breathtakingly beautiful. A humbling reminder to me that although winter is often cold and grey, if you look hard enough, you’ll find that it is a unique kind of beauty, severe and calm at the same time. This is exactly the kind of unexpected beauty that inspired the LE Bohemian series, and the perfect…
Finding beauty in the unexpected – Part 1
On my way to uni every morning I’d pass a small patch of land. I think most people wouldn’t even notice it, but in my short 15-minute drive I thought it was the most beautiful thing. This unassuming patch of grass, wedged between a flyover exit and a merging road, was filled with the most beautiful vibrant wildflowers; and in the mornings they would be sparkling with dew as the glorious sunlight peeked over the trees. It was love at first sight! I looked forward to seeing my little ‘meadow’ every day. I recently revisited my uni and on the drive there, was so saddened to find that my glorious…
Tourist in my own city
For all it’s shortcomings, I don’t think i could ever call anywhere else “home”. The warmth of it’s people (and weather, lol!) the glorious food, the beautiful nature, and the modern amenities are just some of the things that make me love Malaysia. I can’t even travel far without bringing some of it with me (hello Brahims!) This year, I wanted to pay tribute to my beloved homeland, and after a few drafts, the clear winner that instantly brought Malaysia to mind was our national flower, the Hibiscus. Our limited edition Hibiscus series captures the vibrance and drama of our beloved national flower. Did you know that there are over 200…